Saturday, April 11, 2020

Fun facts about roulette

Roulette facts

The game of luck, roulette is one of the most widely played casino games. Most of the small Casinos earn their bread and butter by operating roulette. There's a far more to roulette than the eye can meet

Let's have a look at some of the fun facts about roulette

Birth of roulette- In the 17th century, the first Roulette wheel was assembled by well-known physicist and mathematician Blaise Pascal. He was originally trying to make simple perpetual mobile device but ended up making a roulette wheel! In addition to creating the first Roulette wheel, Pascal is also known for setting the basics of probability, which is again an essence of roulette.

The Most Expensive Roulette Table in the World

The Roulette table is quite expensive. The Roulette accessories and wheel can easily cost somewhat around $7 000 and $5 000 respectively.However, This is nowhere close to the cost of the most expensive Roulette table in the world. The entire table is made up of 14 kilograms of silver and gold and is currently being sold at an incredible half a million dollars.

The Devil’s Game

If you are the spooky kind then this one is definitely for you!. In some countries, especially in old newspapers, Roulette is nicknamed as “the devil’s game” or "a devilish game" This is because the sum of all Roulette numbers equals to 666, which of course is widely known as the mark of the beast.

The Man Who Bet Literally Everything

Ashley Revell is known for placin the most famous Roulette bet in the modern history of Roulette. Ashley, an English real estate businessman sold all his assets with the total value of $164 000,went to Las Vegas and bet all his money on red. Guess what? He won.

James Bond, The number's bond

Casino scenes are an ever present element of any James Bond movie. What many people don't know is that the roulette game was also featured in Ian Fleming’s original James Bond books. The reason is obvious. The game brings excitement to every situation and enhances Bond’s sophisticated persona. Number 17 is the British secret agent’s favourite number to bet and this number is also the most commonly played number in roulette. Whether this is Bond’s influence on his viewers or due to the central location of the number on the board, we will never.

Even Einstein failed

For ages, many great thinkers have tried and tested the wheel looking for ways to outsmart the game. famous physicist and mathematician and the smartest man of his time, Albert Einstein, also has had his say on the roulette game. However, his analysis turned out to be bleak. 'No one can beat roulette unless they steal all the money when the dealer is not looking’, said Einstein.

Did You Know

Luckily, except "spinning" the Russian roulette has little to do with actual roulette. Speaking of Russian roulette, there's a very famous song "Russian Roulette" by Rihanna. Do check it out!